Approach to the development of ecological tourism in specially protected natural areas on the basis of system analysis

  • Sklyarova S. A.

    S.A. Sklyarova. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia


The paper deals with the problems of ensuring food security of the Russian Federation, as well as the introduction and application of unmanned aerial vehicles and new technologies in the agricultural sector of Russia. The author analyzes the possibilities, limitations, risks and possible problems of using unmanned systems in agriculture. The article identifies six main barriers that  complicate the process of using unmanned  systems and aircraft  in the agroindustrial complex Russia, the author resents their substantive analysis on the basis of which the main directions of their solutions/ overcoming. In addition, the paper discusses the social, technical and legal aspects of the development, application and use of unmanned aerial vehicles to ensure food security in Russia in the XXI century

Keywords: state, law, politics, unmanned aerial vehicles, food security, agro-industrial complex.